Children's Entertainers in Epsom and Ewell

Find the best Children's Entertainers in Epsom and Ewell as recommended by local Epsom and Ewell people in thebestof Epsom and Ewell's Children's Entertainers directory.
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Theo The Magician
As a childrens entertainer in Epsom & Ewell and the surrounding villages, Theo The Magician is at the top of the list. The kids will love him, just see their happy faces playing his interactive plate spinning and balloon modelling games. He even has an After School Magic Workshop.
KAtharine Tateno said
Such a great all round entertainer, performing tricks to delight all ages!
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Matthews Business Associates
Theo The Magician
Cuff and Gough Solicitors
Simplicity Digital Marketing - Digital Marketing Agency
Patrick Ryan Associates
Clutch Pro Tour
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