Federation of Small Businesses

4.9/5 based on 593 reviews
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There is no better praise I can give than to say NO small business should operate without FSB membership! It’s an outstanding support for all business needs. I have relied on their services, their expertise, their lobbying and our local FSB rep to support me as a single owner of a successful business and could NOT have achieved what I have without the FSB. During Covid they have kept me from sinking, kept me sane and always provided support across all kinds of issues when I was truly at rock bottom. Over the years I have used their legal teams expertise, insurance expertise and countless templates and webinars, they take the stress away. It’s saved me thousands of pounds and it’s expert advice that’s given by qualified snd knowledgeable experts. The community support of other FSB members means we can as a group get our voices heard in government when needs be. If you do one thing for your business, join FSB. They feel like my father, always there for sound advice and guidance. Thank you especially to David Richardson, my area, representative, he has been outstanding with support during the crisis of Covid and now Brexit!
Source: trustpilot.com
I recently went through a hard time with back pains as well as issues at work. Sharon at FSB was a rock, she supported me so much I can never thank her enough. She was a good listener, very understanding and patient.

Thank you Sharon
Source: trustpilot.com
I when I joined FSB I had 2 clients with debts of £1200 outstanding. I paid for my membership (approx 1/10th of that) and from there I was able to recover all of the overdue money through the FSB's Debt recovery service - Fantastic!
They also have great online networking all over the country.
Source: trustpilot.com
Anita has an excellent understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing SME's, and more importantly has an equally excellent understanding of how to practically meet those challenges head-on. Insightful, pragmatic, and honest, I would recommend a discussion with Anita to anyone thinking of joining the FSB.
Source: trustpilot.com
During this time when all of our medical professionals are so swamped with extra work, FSB Care was there to ensure I was given all the support and advice I needed and helped me get over a very painful and emotional time. Helen was really so very supportive and sorted everything out, gave me the best advice posiible, whilst making sure I had someone to listen to and be there should I have any questions. FSB Care is the Jewel in the Crown
Source: trustpilot.com
I feel slightly embarrassed to say that our business has grown by over 300% during Covid. Clearly landlords have had the time to consider their tax situations whilst working from home. But I put it firmly down to the immense benefit offered by the FSB. As a firm we have been able to reach out to folk all over the country, actually all over the world. Whilst we can never have done it without zoom, we could certainly never have done it without the FSB embracing zoom and allowing all their nationwide chapters to welcome the members from all over the country. We now have serious markets developing in Edinburgh, Leeds, Manchester, South Wales, Devon and Cornwall & Southeast England – and we are based in London! We have met clients, introducers and referrers from all over the country – people we would never have met in a million years. Thank you FSB & thank you also all the FSB staff who put in so much effort & who really help with all the networking introductions & meetings that come from your terrific platform. Christopher Coleridge Cole, Gresham Street partners.
Source: trustpilot.com
Anita is brilliant! She managed my joining smoothly and professionally. She was very informative, helpful and a delight to work with!
I used FSB at my previous role in another company and I thought it was fantastic so now that I have opened my own business, I decided to join as I think it is invaluable to any business owner. I will be using their services a lot. Their app is amazing!
Source: trustpilot.com
Since the 1st lockdown when networking for businesses moved online, I have increasingly favoured FSB networking above all other networking groups. It is free, I always meet lovely people, it is well organised, there are numerous events to choose from, and there is real thought about how the sessions are planned out. An example of this is through the break out rooms - thanks to Vanessa Gale for placing me in a break out room with 3 other lovely ladies who have synergies to my own business. We are now running an online webinar in January as a result. I wouldn't have met these women had it not been to FSB. Fantastic way to end the year. Thank you Ness and FSB.
Source: trustpilot.com
I used FSB and would highly recommend them for any business, I recently had an accident and have been recovering. I called FSB who arranged to get me some private help. this support helped me speed up my recovery process quicker and helped me back into my job, The team they used was absolutely amazing I couldn’t thank them enough for all the help and support throughout this time.
Thank you FSB happy customer.
Source: trustpilot.com
I have always had sound advice and help from the FSB and they have helped me to get grants I didn't know I was eligible for and then help when at first told I didn't qualify. I have also used the free legal service and FSB care.
Source: trustpilot.com
Have just joined FSB and so far the information and introductory has been great. Had a super chat with Nick from FSB who took me through all the various offerings FSB have. Lots of info. Good documentation and website seems easy to navigate.
Source: trustpilot.com
I have been a member of the FSb for 3 years and membership has been helpful in promoting our charity In Sues Name, firstly in our local area at Face to Face meetings, but in the last 18 moths has enabled me to meet so many people across the country at Zoom networking meetings wo I would never have the chance to meet. I would thoroughly recommend membership to any SME businesses who are looking for an amazing range of benefits to join
Source: trustpilot.com
I recently had an issue with my business bank and contacted my local FSB rep Katrina Pierce in Lincoln. This lady is great, she called me back with a couple of hours of e-mailing her and was very help full. A nice lady to deal with. it is good to know that there is an organisation that will help small business in the uk. They have also saved me a lot of money on my business insurance renewal. Give them a call.
Source: trustpilot.com
Very supportive community and great support for small businesses, I also enjoy the networking events.
Source: trustpilot.com
Fantastic support. Follow up calls to check how I was doing. The nurse listened and found local support that was convenient and right for me. Thank you.
Source: trustpilot.com
I've been a member of the FSB for approx 4 years and during that time have used a great number of the services they offer - any one of which would more than justify the membership fee, but added together the benefits far outweigh the cost.
As a micro business (under 5 employees) we don't have the staff, assets, resources of larger companies, and so whilst it's great to know that the FSB are out there lobbying on our behalf, for me, the value lies in the 'added extras'.
Extras such as their resource library, free legal advice, energy services, debt recovery and probably much more that I've forgotten about (sorry!).
All of that was before covid, where overnight, they became the go-to portal for webinars and a huge diary of online networking events that criss-cross the country - all free (and in fact, these are available for anyone - FSB member or not - and there is no separation or division between members and non-members).
I have no doubts or hesitations in recommending that any micro business takes a good, serious look at membership. I'm sure the lobbying position will have appeal for larger businesses and possibly other sectors but I'd direct any start-up or micro business to check out the extras!
Source: trustpilot.com
So helpful, brilliant service for not a lot I’m stoked I was recommended to become a member. Justin was awesome, extremely friendly, informative and helpful.

Great service
Source: trustpilot.com
I had truly exceptional care from FSB Care recently after a period of extreme stress in my work and it really helped me get through a difficult time. I can't thank them enough and to know I can go back to them at any time really helps too. Thank you.
Source: trustpilot.com
The health wellbeing insurance carried out by RedArc was exceptional.

For well over 8 years I have had issues with hearing loss in my left ear following a severe cold. This also resulted in occasional vertigo. After several visits to Bishop Auckland and Durham ENT departments, the best I gat was in one door out the other. It was originally diagnosed as Eustachian tube dysfunction, then the next visit asymmetric hearing loss!!

I actually forgot that FSB membership provides an amount available for therapists or counselling. After contacting the relevant department RedArc booked me an appointment with Dunelm Osteopaths in Durham. To my amazement, and I must admit I was sceptical at first, after 4 sessions and continuing with the exercises between visits, my hearing has started to return and I am no longer using a hearing aid.

This is a really worthwhile benefit of membership and needless to say I and really delighted with the results.

A deserved 5 stars!!
Source: trustpilot.com
When we came to renew our Business Insurance, due early November 2021, I called FSB insurance services and a very helpful chap called Danny managed to save us just over £200 on our annual premiums by transferring our cover to Royal Sun Alliance through FSB Insurance Services
“Highly recommend them"
Source: trustpilot.com
After a recent accident - my FSB contact Rowena reminded me of the care included with membership. Couldn't be more thrilled - as after just 2 sessions of Physio I'm back on my feet again
Thank you
Source: trustpilot.com
We had an issue with a client not paying their invoice. It was a large amount which affected our cashflow greatly. After looking at the services they offer I contacted the advice line who gave me some great advice and subsequently helped me to resolve the dispute and get the invoice paid. It gave me peace of mind that there is professional legal advice I can call on when needed as a small business.
Source: trustpilot.com
Having just recently joined the FSB it was really informative to have this chat with Anita Johnson. The benefits were explained very clearly and being shown around the site and how to use it were most helpful as was being advised to download the app. I would 100% recommend.
Source: trustpilot.com
I have been impressed with the ease of access to treatment via FSB Care .. the process is extremely simple and the physiotherapy treatment I needed was managed efficiently. As a benefit of being a member of the FSB it is normally over-looked however I suggest that any member requiring treatment to engage with FSB Care to see how they can assist (and pay for) - superb benefit.
Source: trustpilot.com
Ruth has somehow managed to change my opinion of the value the FSB provides for small businesses. Ruth at FSB invited me to participate in 2 round table discussions where I could put across real examples of issues we face as a small business. Time will tell if anything happens as a result of the meetings but it was refreshing to have a voice and engage directly, not only with our local MP but also with key elected members of our Local Authority.
Source: trustpilot.com
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