Federation of Small Businesses

4.9/5 based on 593 reviews
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I attended my first online networking event today hosted by Andrew Masters. Andrew is a fantastic host, he controls the room well but does so in the most friendly and kindhearted manner. It was a brilliant event, with a great variation of attendees and a very good speaker who gave clarity on thinking forward. I am a proud FSB member but also now a very happy online networking event attendee.
Source: trustpilot.com
I joined the FSB specifically because I knew my terms of business weren't up to scratch, due to an issue with a client not paying an invoice. I had heard they had a library of documents on their 'Legal Hub' which I thought would be really helpful.

What I hadn't realised is that my membership included a debt recovery service. It was very easy and simple to use within the first month of my FSB membership the outstanding amount was paid, which covered the cost of the membership.

Thank you FSB I get so much from more from my membership than I realised
Source: trustpilot.com
As a small business with 14 employees, COVID-19 has thrown up a great deal of challenges and we have needed advice and support at various stages. The FSB has been brilliant, Robert Downes has always been accessible, he has provided support, advice and guidance as well as at times being a reassuring voice.

In addition, the FSB benefits, such as the legal helpline has also been a big help, especially as we had a contractual dispute from a client who did not want to pay because of the pandemic. With the help of FSB we got this resolved very quickly.

I cannot recommend membership highly enough.
Source: trustpilot.com
I have been a member for many years, but never really considered too carefully "why"? When Covid-19 forced my business closed, the answer became apparent. I was hitting brick wall after brick wall, until Matt Jaffa (FSB) offered to help. Within a week he had successfully lobbied two local authorities and the mayor's office on my behalf. I have now received the financial support I require to continue trading, and hopefully to thrive in the new economy. FSB has now become an investment line item, the returns are best in class. Thank you!
Source: trustpilot.com
So impressed with both the FSB Legal and Health services. Both have been invaluable in helping me get through a business crisis. Knowing you have someone in your corner to support and help get your rights looked after has been a huge help in these difficult times. Thank you to all the superb staff who have helped.
Source: trustpilot.com
The current range of webinars have proved invaluable in navigating through the somewhat turbulent waters we, running small businesses, find ourselves in. Thank you FSB. They've cut through the morass of stuff out there to the key essentials. Also been able to give correct info to our self-employed contractors. Local Surrey support group has also been spot on and pro-active with help on rates applications etc. Certainly value for membership fee right now. Its great to know you guys are lobbying hard the powers that be and they are clearly listening.
Source: trustpilot.com
To add to the peons of praise below. I have been in business for 30 years following 20 in the Army, running my company for the last 6 and a member of FSB since we set up. I have been and am now a member of several trade associations and I have to say that during the current COVID 19 situation, one of many crises along the way(!), FSB have consistently performed the best of them all. Their advice has been timely, on the money almost literally, their lobbying and advocacy absolutely right and their service across all their departments outstanding.Their guidance has been exemplary. They have always got their members' interests front and centre of what they do. Long may in continue
Source: trustpilot.com
We've been in business for almost 20 years now and have been with the FSB from day one. They are there for us when we need them and have always given us great advice and service. Ive also got to know the Glasgow team well and have alway found them quick to reply to any questions I may have and they have always been able to help me get any business problems resolved - I have also seen the benefits first hand of many of their campaigns. Keep up the good work.
Source: trustpilot.com
There when I needed them!!! Have been a member for 20 years, hardly needed them, but when the chips were down they stepped up magnificently. Thank you.
Source: trustpilot.com
Can't thank the FSB enough in helping me with pushing matters through for my business in these hard unpredictable times. Every email was replied to and actioned. They reached out to relevant parties to help move situations on which led to positive results. Thank you so much.
Source: trustpilot.com
I think FSB is doing an amazing job in holding Government to account on CBILS and the many other ways they are ensuring our businesses are still around when the dust settles. FSB have ensured that some of the ‘opportunism’ from the banks in the early days have been addressed. I know you are continuing to lobby Government for more effective ways of getting funds to those businesses who desperately need it, which includes us.

Keep up the good work!
Source: trustpilot.com
I am glad I joined FSB last year as its good to know that if you need help in business there is someone out there to turn to. I have learnt more about running my business in 2020 with the terrible events and FSB have played a large and supportive role here. I am still falling between the cracks for any support for my business, but FSB have been instrumental in looking at other avenues and helping to raise awareness of small businesses like mine that require assistance. I know that in these changing times of changing government policy that FSB will help to keep updated to make informed decisions for my business.
Source: trustpilot.com
During 30 years of working with Fortune 500 companies, it was made clear to me that what you know is a far second to who you know. No matter the size of the company or institution, decisions are made by key individuals.

Recently, FSB extended their helping hand to my small business given who they know within the Scottish Highland government. Our grant application with the Covid-19 Fund was rejected due to not ticking the standard boxes. Our story was a little unusual but should have qualified us for the grant. FSB was kind enough to ensure that we did not slip through the cracks with our appeal. Due to their direct contact within the system, the case was clarified and the appeal accepted.

We are grateful for FSB’s help and the time and consideration taken by their Highland government contact to conclude this case with a positive result. We look forward to receiving the grant to not only help support our small business but also the 30 other SMEs with whom we do business.

Yes, we are ALL effected and in this together! Thank you!
Source: trustpilot.com
Helpful and open, representing all small businesses
I’m impressed by how open and helpful the FSB have been throughout this Coronavirus crisis so far by clarifying conflicting information, correcting uninformed opinion and making insights and advice available to members on social media. It’s heartening to be able to see that an informed organisation is actively fighting the corner of small businesses and that the government is listening. I appreciate that the FSB doesn’t have a magic wand to fix all the issues that the diverse range of small businesses face, but trade organisations like this do make sure our voices are heard at the highest levels and are critical to ensuring small organisations are represented and listened to. All the information available for members and the nonmembers highly recommend To join.
Source: trustpilot.com
FSB are working their socks off on several fronts to support small businesses! Thank you!
Source: trustpilot.com
Been very helpful over the last 20 years, but outstanding with the current issues
Source: trustpilot.com
It seems unfair to blame the FSB for Government failings during the Covid 19 pandemic. They are not responsible for what the government does or does not do. Yes there are failings from the government regarding support for small businesses but they are doing their best and making changes when issues are highlighted. I have no issues with FSB and have always found them helpful and supportive.
Source: trustpilot.com
They work tirelessly for small businesses. They can’t always get it right but they are well organised, up-to-date with new developments and where they can, they have affected real change to support businesses.
Source: trustpilot.com
Excellent resources and a fantastic local membership advisor. I highly recommend becoming a member!
Source: trustpilot.com
They make the voice of SME's heard and give great support.
Source: trustpilot.com
Even though I’m not a member (but will be signing up now) I’m impressed by how open and helpful the FSB have been throughout this Coronavirus crisis so far by clarifying conflicting information, correcting uninformed opinion and making insights and advice available to non-members on social media. It’s heartening to be able to see that an informed organisation is actively fighting the corner of small businesses and that the government is listening. I appreciate that the FSB doesn’t have a magic wand to fix all the issues that the diverse range of small businesses face, but trade organisations like this do make sure our voices are heard at the highest levels and are critical to ensuring small organisations are represented and listened to.
Source: trustpilot.com
What a brilliant organisation, so supportive, great set of resources available and the 24/7 Legal Helpline is excellent.
Source: trustpilot.com
A massive thank you to Hisashi Kuboyama (West Of Scotland) for all his help in contacting Glasgow City Council with regards to the Covid Business Grant. I had applied on the 24th March and had not received any acknowledgement. Sent another email to the Council 9th April enquiring if they had received the application, again no response. FSB had a webiner on 15th April for West of Scotland members, its was very informative, I asked the members if anyone else had problems with their applications. Hisashi said that the Council were struggling with the volume of applications but he would try to find out what was happening.
He contacted me via email straight after the meeting, he mamanged to find out that they had received the application. The brilliant news is that I have received an email today confirming that they are processing the grant. Many thanks to the West Of Scotland FSB.
Source: trustpilot.com
A great organisation providing incredible support for small businesses & sole traders. I am very grateful for the support I have received, and the opportunity to get involved to make for a more level playing field in business. They also offer an incredible array of benefits, really well worth the subscription.
Source: trustpilot.com
Thank you to the staff and volunteers for tireless lobbying on behalf of members. The sharing of accurate information in these challenging times is essential. The documents and advice available as a member are invaluable at the best of times and definitely worth the membership right now. We aren't all getting equal support from the government but I see an organisation that champions all SMEs and self-employed entrepreneurs equally - members and non-members alike.
Source: trustpilot.com
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