Federation of Small Businesses

4.9/5 based on 593 reviews
Latest Reviews
As a representative organisation I believe that the FSB do fantastic work and also hold quality informative and networking events. With regards to admin and responses to enquiries my experience has not been so helpful. I signed up my business several years ago and have continued to renew, however on initial sign up could not get the my online login to work and reset requests and emails/form completions to specified helplines have resulted into zero responses and still to this day the online content is unusable for me and I have lost the incentive to keep chasing a reply.
Overall excellent organisation, shame I do not have full access to everything on offer.
Source: trustpilot.com
Always call back when they say and offer professional and support advice. Reassuring to know they are there when we are not sure! Thank you.
Source: trustpilot.com
Has helped me multiple times to fend off spurreous employment tribunal claims. Thank you so much!!
Source: trustpilot.com
We've been members for ten years this year.
I don't feel we've got that much out of being members in that time, I suppose its good to know the the FSB are there in the background if needed (I would hope!)
We've never had any contact with a human in all that time just a constant bombardment of emails on topics that don't relate to our business! - small roofing business.
Its just things like having some stickers to go in the windscreens of our vans to let people the we are members, did get one in the pack at last renewal which unfortunately didn't stick to anything!
Source: trustpilot.com
Excellent service and great value for money.
Source: trustpilot.com
Forward looking organisation offering great benefits, useful support and networking opportunities. Great value for money.
Source: trustpilot.com
FSB are an excellent organisation, very supportive and with lots of benefits. I particularly like the local Networking and Talks
Source: trustpilot.com
Joining the FSB was one of the first things I did after setting up my business in 2010. It remains the best money I have ever spent. I have been able to use many of the services: legal advice service; templated Ts and Cs produced by expert solicitors; tax protection; free business banking through the Co-op and the jury service call-up payments. I have also attended some inspiring and informative presentations and networking meetings and met some people who have become customers and mentors.
Source: trustpilot.com
If you are a small business owner this is the organisation to join. Many benefits for members that could not be available for just one business. Plus nationwide lobbying taking the concerns of Small Businesses to the politicians. Can't recommend it highly enough. Have been a member for 20 years.
Source: google.com
Running a small business is difficult at the best of time in todays climate. The FSB not only represents small business but has a membership and business support network that far exceeds the low cost of membership. As a member you will not feel so lonely running your business but be assured you are getting the very best support
Source: trustpilot.com
I have been a member for 11 years, I joined originally for the insuarance then found out about the networking, updated business information (legislation etc), legal helpline (which had been useful on 4 occasdions), legal document library. On top of tjis I got involved in local and then regional committees, organising networking and other events - which was when I found out about the lobbying of governmentband how succesful the FSB is, they are highly regarded by politicians of all persuasion mainly as they are apolitical.
I also feel the subscription is worth it as it includes tax investigation suppiort for which I would have to pay a lot more as a stand alone insurance.
Source: trustpilot.com
The FSB offers a whole range of protection and cost saving benefits, it's up to members whether or not they use them. I have been a member for over 8 years, I have not had to use the legal helpline, but it's there if i need it. I have also not claimed on my house insurance in the last 8 years but i would not dream of cancelling it.

I personally know of a member who saved over £3,600 per year on his energy bill with FSB Energy, another one who saved over £2,200 per year on card payment charges, a third one saved over £3,000 on his business renewal insurance, and a fourth one who is saving £4380 per year on his employment protection cover. Last week i was talking to a member who said they are saving hundreds of pounds a year on their phone bills through FSB Communications

As i said earlier, these benefits are there, it's up to you to use them.
I would say that if you are not saving more than the cost of your membership then you are not using your membership correctly.

If you are unsure whether or not FSB membership is for you after reading some of the negative reviews, all i would say is try it for one year and find out for yourself, but make use of your membership, look at what benefits you can use to save more than the cost of your membership.

FSB Membership is one of the best business decisions i ever made
Source: trustpilot.com
Reading the other reviews you'd think they were buying a Spotify subscription and then didn't like the music. The FSB is a huge representative body for small businesses - working locally and nationally to encourage government to #ThinkSelfEmployed. Yes, there are loads of benefits to membership, 90% of which don't apply to me, but... the 10% I use are well worth it, and I know by being a member it's helping to fund the awesome work they do
Source: trustpilot.com
I worked at FSB for 8 years. While I can't review it as a member, I can tell you that I loved FSB as an employer. I believe every single person in the teams in head office, the policy teams across the UK and the regional teams as well as FSB volunteers all have FSB members' best interest at heart.

Unfortunately it's impossible to be able to provide 100% help to 100% of people who contact FSB, but that will never be because of a lack of interest from the staff members dealing with the call or email.

If the issue was due to an FSB Service provider, the partnerships team will investigate and get an answer. I know this because I shared an office with them and witnessed their tenacity when it comes to getting to the bottom of an issue myself more than once.

If I were to take the huge, scary plunge of becoming self employed and opening my own business, I'd absolutely join FSB in a heartbeat.
Source: trustpilot.com
I signed up to the FSB at a Business Expo. Partly because I was promised that I would be featured on a full page editorial in their South East magazine and even took time to write a response to interview questions and have my photo taken by their team. Nothing ever came of it. I was "allowed" to do a talk (for free) at one of their groups, which was good exposure but then disappointingly the next 3 talks after that we almost identical to mine, and from local competitors offering exactly the same services as me, so just completely weakened the point of my talk. They should be more careful to vary the speakers - there are so many different business that are members that they could have used instead. I also was told we would have great networking opportunities. There are 2 local groups in my area but as a member you still have to pay £10-15 per session and also the sessions are open to anyone even non-members, so it's not really a benefit. All the other "services" are only relevant to larger companies or not really representative of good value for money compared to other schemes. The one good thing is the legal/tax advice line which I have used.

As a member I don't feel I get any support, just a lot of direct mail spam and email spam trying to sell me insurance or card machines. I tried to unsubscribe but there is no option to, not sure how GDPR compliant that is! I was never given an online login to do my profile etc for their directory- it has been a nightmare to get hold of. Whilst I think the FSB do great work lobbying in parliament, I don't know if I want to continue "donating" to them at such great expense for little return.
Source: trustpilot.com
Great advice on tap! The must join organisation for SMEs. Highly recommended.
Source: google.com
Great support for any mall business
Source: google.com
If you are a small business join the FSB. No caveats it’s a no brainer.

Saves me money every year, with the free banking alone. Having “free” good accountancy and legal advice on tap is very reassuring.
Source: trustpilot.com
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