1st Ewell Village (St Mary's) Brownies have started their latest adventure as space biologists embarking on a voyage of discovery by growing seeds that have been into space.
In September, 2kg of rocket seeds were flown to the International Space Station (ISS) on Soyuz 44S where they will spend several months in microgravity with Tim Peake and the other astronauts before returning to Earth in March 2016. The seeds have been sent as part of Rocket Science, an educational project launched by the RHS Campaign for School Gardening and the UK Space Agency.
The Brownies are one of 10,000 schools to receive a packet of 100 seeds from space, which they are now growing alongside seeds that haven’t been to space. They will measure the differences over seven weeks. The Brownies won’t know which seed packet contains which seeds until all results have been collected by the RHS Campaign for School Gardening and analysed by professional biostatisticians.
The out-of-this-world, nationwide science experiment will enable the Brownies and Guides to think more about how we could preserve human life on another planet in the future, what astronauts need to survive long-term missions in space and the difficulties surrounding growing fresh food in challenging climates.
Rocket Science is just one educational project from a programme developed by the UK Space Agency to celebrate British ESA astronaut Tim Peake’s Principia mission to the ISS and inspire young people to look into careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) subjects, including horticulture.
Follow the project on Twitter: @RHSSchools #RocketScience
Pictured left to right are Marigold Jones (age 9), Gracie Nickson (age 8) and Ella Stephens (age 10).
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