Chris Grayling Epsom MP - Coronavirus Updates #StayAlertSaveLives
8th June 2020
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Dear constituent
I am writing to you with a further update about the coronavirus crisis.


Coronavirus testing
Firstly, for those who are not aware and are experiencing symptoms, there is now an additional test centre in the Upper High Street car park in Epsom. You can book a test via this link.


Travel advice
A number of people have asked me about summer holidays, what happens to bookings already made, and what may happen this summer.
Currently the Foreign Office is advising against all international travel. This should mean that in the event that you are due to travel while this advice still applies, your airline or tour operator has to refund your money, though many are trying to get customers to accept a voucher for future use instead. You do not have to accept this, though it is likely to take some time to get your money back. Insurance companies should also cover cancellation costs in this case.
You will have seen that the Government is also introducing a 14 day quarantine period from  next week for most people arriving in or returning to the UK. I hope this measure will only be short-lived and that links can soon be reopened to countries that have a low incidence of the virus. The latest advice is here.

I hope that further easing of the restrictions will be in place before the summer holidays, so that people can go away either abroad or in the UK. I think it’s a particularly good year to stay in the UK and support our tourist industry if the restrictions have been lifted enough to allow this.


Face coverings on public transport

You may also have seen that passengers on public transport are now to be asked to wear face coverings when they travel. These do not have to be surgical masks, and indeed should not be as we do not want to reduce supplies to the NHS. More details are here.


Advice for those who are shielding

For those of you who are shielding, you will have probably seen the advice to you has changed, allowing you to go out of your homes again. I hope you will welcome this news, as I know how frustrating the past few weeks have been for those affected. The full updated guidance for you is here.


Antisocial behaviour in our local parks

Finally, several people have raised with me the issue of a rise in antisocial behaviour in some of our local parks. I have discussed this with local police who have promised to step up patrols.


Best wishes
Chris Grayling





The full list of government guidelines and advice is available here.




Contact Chris:


Constituency Office: +44 (0)1372 271 036

Address: 212 Barnett Wood Lane, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 2DB

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