Clive And Anne Richardson from @EpsomRotary Receive An Active Citizens Award from @EpsomEwellBC
13th March 2023
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Each year the Council formally recognises a member of the Epsom and Ewell community who goes above and beyond in a voluntary and/or campaigning capacity. The Active Citizen award is within the incumbent Mayor's gift. The individual is permanently recorded on a special citation within the Town Hall and receives a citation within the Town Hall and receives a medal at the evening reception honouring volunteers from across the borough.

So it is with great pleasure we congratulate Anne and Clive Richardson as being awarded Epsom & Ewell Borough Council Active Citizens Award by the Mayor & Mayoress of Epsom & Ewell during the evening of 10 March 2023 at the Mayor Civic reception. Anne and Clive  have given so much of their time to help with so many local charities including Epsom Rotary and Epsom & Ewell Twinning Association.

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