Epsom & Ewell Foodbank reaches out to Tadworth this Christmas @truselltrust
18th November 2013
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Epsom and Ewell Foodbank is opening up another distribution centre in Marble Way, Preston, over the Christmas period.

Jonathan Lees, a food bank volunteer and senior leader at Generation Church, said: "If it goes well then we will look at continuing it.

"Preston always has one of the highest levels of need."

Mr Lees said that the food bank gives three days worth of food and toiletries to people in a crisis such as redundancy, benefit delay or sickness.

Various agencies, including Citizens Advice Bureaux and housing associations, help to identify the people most in need and issue vouchers.

In its first year the food bank fed 1,679 people, issued 662 vouchers, trained more than 135 volunteers and collected more than 26 tonnes of food.

The food bank, which is part of the Trussell Trust network, opened in October 2012.

Mr Lees said: "In some ways it’s great that it has grown but it is wrong and awful that it has had to grow."


The Tadworth distribution centre will be housed next door to the Raven Housing Trust’s neighbourhood shop in Marbles Way.

It is scheduled to open between 10am and noon on Tuesdays for six weeks starting from December 10.

The food bank asks for donations of non-perishable supplies, such as tinned food and juice cartons, as well as toiletries and nappies.

Other distribution centres:

  • Ewell Centre, Ruxley Church, Ruxley Lane, Ewell. Wednesdays: 2.00 - 4.00 pm
  • Epsom Centre, Epsom Methodist Church, Ashley Road, Epsom. Fridays: 2.00 - 4.00 pm
  • Leatherhead Centre, North Leatherhead Community Centre, Kingston Road, Leatherhead. Saturdays 10.00 - 11.30am

Call 0208 786 8221; Email foodbank@generation.org.uk; Visit www.epsomewell.foodbank.org.uk

Article from Alice Foster at yourlocalguardian

Want to help the foodbank? There are many ways you can help:

MONEY – donations are always very gratefully received.

TIME – Can you spare some time as a volunteer to help sort and distribute the food? If you are able bodied and can help lift some of the heavier items – this would be particularly helpful – even 1 hour a week would make a difference.

FOOD – When you do your shop – think about the foodbank – perhaps there are some bargains on offer? Also watch out for when the foodbank have their Supermarket Runs – please pop that extra can or packet of dry goods into their basket.


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