Epsom Hospital pharmacy pays tribute to volunteers @epsom_sthelier
28th September 2012
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Pharmacy staff at Epsom have paid tribute to the dedicated team of volunteers who have helped to run the pharmacy shop for the past 15 years.

Dispensing services manager Sue Wright said: "Sadly, a change in national guidelines means that everybody working in the pharmacy shop now needs to be fully qualified, and because of that, we have had to say a very fond farewell to our volunteers.

"They have been a wonderful support to us, and on behalf of all of the pharmacy team at Epsom, I would like to say a huge thank you to each and every one of them. We are sorry to see them go, but know that their hard work and dedication will be of great benefit to other services in the hospital.

"As part of our tribute to them, we provided a lunch in the pharmacy and gave each of them a rose bush and a card to say thank you for all of their hard work and support over the years."

Dottie Harridge who co-ordinated the volunteers as well as working at the pharmacy herself, was given a special bottle of sparkly too.

Article from epsomandsthelierhospitals

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