Epsom Rotary Club helping our NHS Heroes @Epsom_StHelier @EpsomRotary
27th May 2020
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The excellent collaboration between Epsom Rotary Club and Epsom Hospital continues in the fight against Covid-19!

There is the obvious PPE required by staff at Epsom Hospital, but they have also asked for help with the not so obvious things like having somewhere to sit down when a break is needed or at the end of a shift. A wooden bench outside the front doors of the Epsom Hospital seemed just the ticket .The bench was duly purchased by Epsom Rotary Club and handed over to the hospital by Epsom Rotarians Ronnie (Veronica) Smith and Richard Deavin on Wednesday 20th May. 

The bench was received by Sasha Phillips on behalf of Epsom Hospital. The picture shows Sasha, Ronnie and Richard at the handing over ceremony. The other photo shows just how useful the bench is proving to be with ambulance crew Lauren, Richard and Ben sitting very comfortably thank you (by the way they are ambulance crew and so are allowed to associate!).

More things are on order so watch this space for more details.

To find out more about Epsom Rotary Club visit EPSOM ROTARY CLUB



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