Just a few hours a week could make all the difference to an elderly person – Volunteer your time to @AgeConcernEpsom
2nd November 2023
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Watching the Platinum Jubilee celebrations reminded me that our lovely queen is in fact very elderly herself, but she is fortunate having lots of family and helpers around.

For many of the elderly this is not always the case so that little extra help is not always on hand. Often immobility or lack of transport means the elderly are confined to their homes without help, but for many it is simply the want of someone to talk to.

If you have a skill –eg.  driving or DIY – that’s great and would be gladly welcome. But even without those the ability to listen is also a very valuable and much needed attribute. And even if you want to help but prefer to take a ‘back seat’ there is always office based works to be done.

SO if you have a few hours a week – maybe 2 or 3 – why not give it a go. You really could make all the difference to an elderly persons quality of life.


For further details please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Dawn Coller at dawn.coller@ageconcernepsom.org.uk

Tel: 01372 732 458


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