Meet Will - our work experience recruit!
9th March 2015
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Here’s our Q&A with Will Herron! He’s 17 and currently doing work experience with our marketing team.


What are you studying? I am studying for a level 3 BTEC diploma in Business at Guildford College.


Why did you choose to do work experience with us? I wanted to learn more about marketing in general and how local businesses are promoted.


What are your key marketing interests? Specifically internet marketing and social media marketing. I’m looking forward to learning more about SEO’s role in getting businesses to the top of the search engine and how social media strategy is formed.


Why do you think social media is important to businesses?  Social media is changing more and more every day, companies are realising that a huge audience can be reached via key sites such as Twitter and Facebook and the ability to send ‘targeted ads’ out via these platforms (which allow you to address particular areas of the country and even people in particular professions), makes the channels even more valuable.


Do your parents monitor you on social media? Have they given you any advice? My parents have warned me to be careful about putting anything which could be considered offensive on Twitter and Facebook as everything can be monitored and future employers may check profiles.


Does your college educate you about social media?  Some of the departments at Guildford College have set up their own Twitter accounts and occasionally link to relevant news articles. Although putting the information out there isn’t always useful to them, it does encourage interest from the outside.


What are the benefits to businesses marketing themselves via thebestof Epsom and Ewell? Thebestof Epsom & Ewell will assess local businesses so the customer doesn't have to. They also excel at promoting businesses through social media to a large local audience.


When you’re not studying hard, what do you like to do? Outside of college I like to watch football and play football with my friends…I actually support Milners team – Leatherhead FC!

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