Mike Reeves named #Epsom & Ewell Active Citizen #ActiveCitizen @EpsomEwellBC
21st July 2021
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Each year, the outgoing Mayor of Epsom & Ewell recognises the efforts of the volunteer community within the borough and selects one local resident to be named Active Citizen of the year. 

Councillor Humphrey Reynolds (Mayor 2020/21) has selected Mike Reeves as the Active Citizen for 2021. 

Councillor Reynolds explains “After a year when so many people have given so much and offered so many acts of kindness, selecting one person to be recognized as the Active Citizen was a challenge. 

“Years of service and a significant voluntary contribution were where I started. I also wanted to acknowledge someone who had been personally impacted by COVID-19 but had still contributed to the betterment of people within the borough. 

“Mike had to shield during the pandemic, and it would have been entirely understandable for him to step back. But the reverse was the case.  Mike rose to the challenge of helping keep the small local mental health charity, Love Me Love My Mind, serving the community in a very difficult time and worked incredibly hard to enable this to happen”.  

Mike Reeves is a volunteer trustee and treasurer to Love Me Love My Mind. He has been involved in fundraising, connecting with young people, working at the annual festival and a wide range of work to enable the charity to continue its major contribution to the wellbeing of local residents. 

Since moving to the borough in 1987, Mike been a volunteer for the local Scouts. He was the church treasurer and was elected Churchwarden at Christ Church, Epsom Common. He has also worked for Citizens Advice and the Prince’s Trust. 

Councillor Reynolds adds “Mike is not someone who seeks the limelight but enables many other people to flourish because of the significant contribution and excellent work he does behind the scenes.   

“His actions are exemplary, and he totally deserves the award of Active Citizen of the Borough of Epsom & Ewell 2021”. 

The Epsom & Ewell Active Citizen of the year is the Mayor’s gift. There is no financial reward. The individual is named at full council, receives a certificate and a medal and is recorded on a permanent display within the Town Hall. 

Image shows Mike Reeves (left) receiving the award from Humphrey Reynolds (right)


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