My Theatre Matters - Epsom Playhouse – Vote for them now @epsomplayhouse
10th September 2014
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Epsom Playhouse – our local theatre – is at the heart of entertainment in the area. They offer us a great range diverse entertainment – from BIG NAMES – Musicals, Comedy, Drama – and many local community performances.

Let’s make sure the councils know how much we appreciate them.

Voting closes on Monday 29 September

VOTE for them now – the results will be announced on 2nd October 


My Theatre Matters :

Equity, The Stage and the UK Theatre launched a major public-facing campaign in 2013 aimed at supporting local theatres across the UK

My Theatre Matters! aims:

1. To provide support for UK theatres to encourage them to mobilise their audiences to voice their support for their local venue, particularly to local government Members and officers.
2. To develop a national database of concerned audience members who could be mobilised for further action locally, regionally or nationally.

- See more at:


AND if you add a comment to the MY THEATRE MATTERS site – you could win some Theatre Tokens

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