To celebrate Mother’s Day this year over 280 children came to The Ashley Centre on Saturday 5 March to take part in a free craft workshop to make a beautiful gift for their mothers.
Children decorated wooden hearts or picture frames to give to their mums on Sunday and The Ashley Centre staff were very impressed with the level of artistic talent on display.
Centre Manager David Beddows said: “It was great to see so many children taking part in our free craft workshop and I think there will be some very happy mothers who received their handmade presents! We saw some remarkable designs and were delighted that so many people came and took part. There are obviously a lot of budding artists in Epsom!”
There will be more free crafts in The Ashley Centre this Easter! From 28 March until 1 April outside House of Fraser from 10am-4pm (except Easter Monday 10.30am -4.30pm) each day there will be a different craft activity based on the theme of Spring Stories.
On Monday children can make Mulan’s Dragon Spiral, Tuesday it will be Snow White’s Bird Food Cakes, Wednesday’s craft will be Peter Pan’s Lost Boys Lanterns, on Thursday children can make Jack and the Beanstalk Farm Animals and on Friday there will be Aladdin’s Sand Art. There will also be a chance to take part in the giant big art which will be displayed in The Ashley Centre all week.
For more information about The Ashley Centre and all the latest events, please “like us” on Facebook (, follow us on twitter (@ashley_centre) or visit our website (
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