Rare Chance To Go Backstage at Epsom Playhouse @epsomplayhouse #theatre
6th August 2014
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The Epsom Playhouse celebrates 30 years of entertainment this year and is holding an Open Day party on Sunday 31 August to give people a rare chance to go behind the scenes. 

The doors will open at 10am when visitors will be welcome to come and have a really good look round this vibrant local theatre. There will be free backstage tours at 10.30am, 12.00pm, 1.30pm and 3.00pm. Spaces will be limited for these so please book in advance via the Box Office or website. 

Throughout the day there will be performances by Michael Armstrong, Dandelion Theatre Arts and Pull The Other Theatre Education plus a special surprise celebrity guest for children!  

Prepare to be amazed by Close Up Magic and there will be a free Children's Mask Making Workshop and giveaways. Anyone who has ever wondered about joining one of the local amateur dramatic and operatic companies can come and find out more from members of the organisations. 

Theatre Manager Elaine Teague said: “We are looking forward to welcoming people into the theatre to find out a bit more about what we do. It is not often visitors get a chance to see what goes on behind the scenes and how productions are staged. It promises to be a celebratory day and we hope it will give people an insight into the exciting world we work in.” 

Free tickets for the backstage tours can be booked at: or by ringing the Box Office on

01372 742555/742227


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