Last week the May Queen and attendants were chosen for the annual Walton May Pageant.
The choosing for the May Queen for the Walton May Pageant is always a lovely day.
The children, mums, dads, friends and family all meet in the local school hall as the decisions are made.
Lots of laughter and occasional tears – usually from the little ones.
Attendants were chosen from different age groups – together with the Spirit of May, Jack of the Green, the Sweep and of course the May Queen herself.
And here are these years results:
May Queen: Freya Taylor
Spirit of May: Elise Smith
Fleur Whitehead, Lily-Rose Stirling, Eva Pincham, Isabella Quayle, Sofia Butt, Imogen Tucker
Chimney Sweep: Finlay Whitehead
Jack of the Green: Dylan Brewer
The Pageant is on Saturday 21st May
It is one of the largest May Celebrations in the area
If you are interested in taking a stall or advertising in the program here are the details
For more information visit the website
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