The Ashley Centre #Epsom Announces It’s Charity For 2015 @ashley_centre @girlguiding
25th February 2015
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The Ashley Centre has announced that the charity they will be supporting for 2015 is Girlguiding Epsom. 

Girlguiding is the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK. Girlguiding Epsom runs Rainbow, Brownie and Guide units where girls and young women have a space where they can be themselves, have fun, build brilliant friendships, gain valuable life skills and make a positive difference to their lives and their communities. They enjoy a varied programme of activities, days out, camping and pack holidays. 

Girlguiding Epsom has a campsite called Little Acres near Horton Country Park. They are currently fundraising to build a lodge at the campsite so there will be indoor facilities which can be used by Girlguiding and other local groups and organisations to benefit the whole community. 

Elaine Briggs of the fundraising committee said: “We are delighted and very grateful that The Ashley Centre has chosen us to be their charity of the year and we are looking forward to holding lots of fundraising events throughout the year. We are kicking things off this Saturday 28 February with a tombola in the Centre so please do come and see us and find out what Girlguiding is all about!” 

For more information about The Ashley Centre and all the latest events, please “like us” on Facebook (, follow us on twitter (@ashley_centre) or visit our website (

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