The Ashley Centre Epsom supporting The British Heart Foundation @ashley_centre @TheBHF
11th February 2014
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The Ashley Centre has announced that the charity they will be supporting for 2014 is the British Heart Foundation, a charity that has a very recent and personal connection for one member of staff. 

In 2013 Centre Manager David Beddows suffered a heart attack, and while happily he is now well on the road to recovery many people are not so lucky. David said: “After my heart attack I was given the best possible care and advice and I have made some lifestyle changes to try to prevent this happening again. The British Heart Foundation is a wonderful organisation who are the biggest funder for pioneering heart research in the UK, provide vital prevention and survival information and ensure quality care and support for everyone living with heart disease.  I am delighted that we will be supporting the local branch with their fundraising activities and it ties in with our Je t’aime Epsom theme for this year.” 

The British Heart Foundation launched their charity fundraising in The Ashley Centre on Saturday (8 February 2014) as part of their Ramp Up The Red campaign, with the help of a Dalek who met shoppers throughout the day and provided information and advice. Throughout 2014 The Ashley Centre will be offering a number of healthy heart promotions for all ages including healthy eating for children and de-stressing techniques. 

Fundraising Volunteer Manager Heather Hunt said: “We are delighted that The Ashley Centre has chosen us as their charity this year and we are enjoying working with them in Epsom. Our local volunteers raised a mighty £1201.49 over the weekend and it’s great to see that the people of Epsom are so keen to join the fight against heart disease. We are also working closely with Epsom Coronary Club who provide a fantastic weekly group exercise session on Tuesday evenings for people with a heart conditions.” 

The Ashley Centre staff are fully trained in first aid and the security team has access to the Centre’s defibrillator which could provide life saving support. 

For more information about The Ashley Centre and all the latest events, please “like us” on Facebook (, follow us on twitter (@ashley_centre) or visit our website (

 Information from: the Ashley centre Epsom

Picture Caption: Heather Hunt with local volunteers in The Ashley Centre on Saturday.

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