The making of the Emily Davison sculpture for #Epsom – see the artist at work @EmilyMemorial #RememberEmily
3rd March 2021
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We wanted to let you know that the Emily Davison Memorial Project has its own YouTube channel which offers a unique insight into the process of making a bronze sculpture such as Emily's. Featuring sculptor Christine Charlesworth explaining every stage of her process, from design to clay model to finished bronze, this series of short films is a rare opportunity to find out exactly how a sculpture is made. 

Due to Covid-19 we have had to delay the unveiling of Emily's statue in Epsom Market Place until the summer of 2021. In the meantime, if you are able to share links to our YouTube channel to spread the word about the project we would be extremely grateful. Members of the committee and Christine Charlesworth are available for any interview requests.


Emily Davison Memorial Project YouTube Channel


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