We love Bourne Hall Museum Club in Ewell and they Love Kids in Museums @epsomewellbc @kidsinmuseums
15th January 2014
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The kids club for children from around 7-12 goes from strength to strength and what better a way to get kids interested in history. 

They have just had their ‘Tin Hats and Trench Feet ‘ event and this proved really popular with over 70 children attending.

They have regular monthly sessions covering history over the ages and many covering local history – the ‘Horrible’ Epsom and Ewell walks are always well supported.

Their next monthly event is:

Privateers & Explorers – looking at the life aboard the Golden Hind with Sir Francis Drake

And for half-term a real hands-on event with

Cave Painting

Some events are limited by numbers so we recommend to book early.

Most sessions are £4 per child.

If you would like more information call

David Brooks on 0208 394 1734 or email dbrooks:Epsom-ewell.gov.uk

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