Work Stress Solutions
Work Stress Solutions
  • 173 Kingston Road
    KT19 0AA
Work Stress Solutions is a charity based in Ewell, funded by The Lottery.

Work Stress Solutions

Work Stress Solutions is a charity based in Ewell, Surrey which offers pre-employment support, work experience, and a range of therapies and courses to adults and young people who need support.

The charity’s aim is to enable clients to experience a sense of personal achievement in a supportive environment that focuses on the positive aspects of their lives.

Work Stress Solutions are available to help adults who are ‘vulnerable’, for example lone parents, carers or people who have been out of work because of longstanding physical or mental health problems.

Current courses at the centre include: Building Confidence, Self-employment Basics and Creating Writing.

For my information on services offered by Work Stress Solutions, simply call or email: 020 8394 0782 /

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