Talk on the The magic of houseplants at #Epsom Garden Society
  • Epsom Sports Club, Woodcote Road, Epsom
    KT18 7QN
  • Wednesday 19th February 10:15am until 12:00pm
Anyone is welcome to come along and join us - you do not have to be a member

Epsom Garden Society

The Magic Of House Plants

Wednesday 19th February 1015am to 12 noon

Local speaker Sarah Foss will be coming to talk to us about houseplants. Sarah is a very experienced horticulturalist who currently works as a sessional tutor for EcoLocal, Sutton Parks Department and others and is an exam marker and assessor for the RHS.

Entry is £2 for members or £3 for guests which includes a raffle ticket and a drink and cake!

Social Interaction
* thebestof cannot be held responsible for any changes, amends or cancellations of an event