Photographic tips from a professional photographer...
19th September 2011
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I know so many people who take lots and lots of photographs of their children, but then never do anything with them. Some share them on social media while others end up leaving them on their camera or phone, simply to be forgotten.

I have one friend who had hundreds of photos on her camera that never even made it to her laptop and when her camera was stolen, they were gone forever! I think we should be proud of our family photos, displaying them at home for our friends to see, and for us to enjoy on a daily basis. (See image below.)

Here are a few of my tips for making the most of your family photographs.


Turn your Photos into Artwork

When redesigning or decorating your home, why not incorporate family photographs into the design instead of artwork. By printing your favourite photographs in large format, you can create a focal point in a room. You might even want to use modern technology to create artistic effects on your photographs...for example, Andy Warhol style portraits. 

You will find lots of printers in the high street and online which are able to provide photo enlargements on canvas, acrylic and other materials. Just be wary that print and product quality varies greatly. A cheap canvas print will likely sag very quickly, so if you are looking for a product that will last, it is worth shopping around for the right level of quality. 

You might also want to bear in mind that depending on your own equipment and photographic skill, your photographs may not be high enough quality for enlargement.  If you are thinking of making a centrepiece in your home, hiring a professional photographer would be the best option.


Create a Photo Wall

Choosing a single, dedicated wall to display lots of small photographs is a good way of displaying lots of photographs, without them taking over every room in your home.  You can approach this in a uniform manner or in a more eclectic way – the only limit is your imagination. 

I have a friend who has her children photographed every few years, each time adding to the photo wall in her hallway. Her father was a keen photographer, photographing her at every milestone, as well as his own parents.  Her photo wall tells the story of 3 generations of her family.


Create a Digital Display

In the digital age, I feel I must touch on digital displays – though for me, these can’t replace physical, printed photographs.  Digital photo frames are one way of displaying hundreds of photos.  They are easy to set-up and use, even for those who are not technology-minded. You needn’t necessarily buy a separate digital photo frame for this purpose. You can use your laptop screensaver, an iPad photo slideshow or even your television as a display.


The author is thebestofesher's Victoria B, Professional Photographer

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