Adventures in Farnham - Recycling
29th November 2013
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I have always had quite a ‘make do and mend’ type of attitude (I think that makes me fashionable now oooohoo) and I recycle as much and as enthusiastically as possible. I am also mindful of not purchasing anything needlessly – although that may be more about not having any money rather than my love of the environment. I was therefore interested in a newspaper article, written a couple of years ago, regarding how to save money, save the universe and still be an avid reader. What is not to like about that? I love reading and I own a small, lets call it, hoard of books and a few more that are on my ‘waiting to be read shelves’; the idea of feeding my addiction while saving money appealed to me. 

The article championed some exhausting rigmarole that entailed registering with an on-line club, buying a book(s), then once read advertising for a swap, posting the book(s), receiving a different title in return (no doubt necessitating a visit to the Post Office as the registered packets would never, ever find you at home) and continuing on in this vein until presumably you ran out of either stamps or brown paper or both. How wonderful, a new concept in recycling books. Ta da! 

Alternatively one could always just pop down to the local library…..



Farnham Library is situated in West Street at the back of Vernon House, a residence marked by the fact that King Charles the First stayed there on his way to his trial and execution (note: don’t quibble about your over-due books, it ain’t worth losing your head over). As well as adult and children’s books there are also CDs, DVDs and Talking Books available to borrow; for those keen on getting to grips with computers there are PCs available to use along with free courses and a weekly Computer Buddy on-hand to help. For others perhaps popping in for a couple of hours there is free Wi-Fi, along with newspapers to read and a hot drinks machine. And continuing with the theme of green the library is set in a beautiful walled garden surrounded by a lovely area to sit and relax. For those with energy there is also a tennis court available to use, free of charge. 

What a great service – love all! 

Eleanor Thomas aka KnitNell is a resident of Farnham. For more of her musings and illustrations do pop over to her regular blog at .

About the Author

Eleanor T

Member since: 2nd May 2013

Eleanor Thomas aka KnitNell is a resident of Farnham. For more of her musings and illustrations do pop over to her regular blog at

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