Nutritional Therapy and IBS
11th September 2013
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IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) affects approximately 20% of the population at some time in their life and it is more common in women than men. IBS is the name given to describe several symptoms, many of which appear to be contradictory. Symptoms can include abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, gas and mucus in stools. In a healthy gut the nervous system controls the rhythmic contractions of the gut. In the case of IBS, the gut can go into spasm resulting in diarrhoea or constipation. This is often combined with the accumulation of gas and bloating causing pain and discomfort.


There is no single cause of IBS. Causes differ for each individual, but they include stress, food allergies, low fibre diets, inadequate nutritional status, poor absorption of nutrients or a high sugar diet.


A dietary analysis at the clinic determines how best to support digestive health. Often simple dietary changes can have a positive effect on the symptoms. In other cases, a variety of tests can be suitable depending on client symptoms, for example analysing the microbiology of the gut or testing for food allergies. Nutritional supplements, specific to digestive health can also be recommended, such as L-Glutamine, which helps to nourish the enterocyte cells of the epithelial tissue that line the digestive tract. Plant enzymes can also aid digestion by helping to breakdown proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the GI tract.


For more information about IBS or nutritional therapy please contact us at the clinic on 01252 747500 or visit

About the Author

Jason R

Member since: 12th August 2013

Jason is the Clinic Manager at Nuffield Health Farnham. His team of experts include; Nutritional Therapists, Physiotherapists, a GP and physiologists. The team work hard to ensure that patients gain specific...

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