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Local News and Updates
Colourful Dash Raises Hospice Care Cash
  • 9th September 2015
Local Hospice Care charity Phyllis Tuckwell held its 2nd ever Dash of Colour on Saturday 5th September at Frimley Lodge Park, following the huge success of last year’s debut event. Read more
Hospice Care Charity Declares Shop Wars!
  • 9th September 2015
Local Hospice Care charity Phyllis Tuckwell has invited corporate partners ISG to take over four of their charity shops for an afternoon, to battle it out in Shop Wars! Read more
Update your Will – free of charge!
  • 12th September 2018
Making a Will – and keeping it updated – is one of the most important things we can do, yet many of us simply never get around to it, even when our circumstances change, like getting married, becoming parents or losing a loved one. Read more
Fly-Tippers Cost Local Charity Hundreds Of Pounds
  • 9th September 2015
For the past few months, Phyllis Tuckwell has been plagued by a spate of fly-tipping, costing the local charity hundreds of pounds in rubbish disposal fees. Read more
Fundraising Garden Party Supports Hospice Care
  • 19th August 2015
This summer saw the last fundraising garden party of a 15 year tradition, as Phyllis Tuckwell supporters George and Jean Wiltshire, and Ray and Ann Fulford, gathered together with friends and loyal supporters for the last of their garden tea parties. Read more
The Wonder of Day Hospice
  • 17th August 2015
Phyllis Tuckwell’s Day Hospice has recently run a series of creative writing sessions, led by volunteer Hilary Hares, a local poet. Read more
Reach for the Sky for Hospice Care!
  • 5th August 2015
See the world from a different angle with Phyllis Tuckwell’s skydive! Read more
New Signage for Hospice Care Charity
  • 15th July 2015
Anyone who has visited Phyllis Tuckwell’s Hospice or Beacon Centre recently will have noticed that the charity has updated its welcome and directional signs. Read more
Phyllis Tuckwell Gears Up To Recruit Volunteer Drivers
  • 10th July 2015
Phyllis Tuckwell urgently requires more volunteer drivers and escorts, who are willing to give up a morning or afternoon of their time to transport patients between their homes and the Beacon Centre in Guildford. Read more
Attention: Anyone earning over £150,000, please read on….
  • 3rd July 2015
One of the less noted policies in the Conservative general election manifesto related to higher rate tax relief on pension contributions. Read more
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