Expert treatment for aches and pains.
From its practice in King’s Road, Fleet Osteopathic Clinic - run by Peter Leigh, a fully qualified osteopath and part-time Senior Clinic Tutor at the British School of Osteopathy - has been part of Fleet’s health practitioner community for over 30 years.
Fleet Osteopathic Clinic takes a holistic approach to the treatment of muscles and joints which are causing pain as a result of specific injuries, poor posture, medical conditions or age.
So what is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a gentle, hands-on treatment combining targeted massage of affected muscles and joint manipulation, which together restore the body’s natural balance without the need for drugs or surgery.
Why would I consult an Osteopath?
Your first visit will include an initial consultation where Peter will discuss your symptoms and complete medical history; this will usually be followed by an examination of the affected area and initial treatment session. This first consultation will normally take around 45 minutes to one hour.
Following the initial session, Peter will advise if further treatment is advisable and, perhaps, suggest some exercises for you to do at home. As Peter is a sole practitioner, you will only see Peter for your treatment ensuring continuity of care.
Do I need a referral from my GP?
It isn’t necessary to be referred for treatment by a GP. However, Fleet Osteopathic Clinic is recognised by all major medical insurers so if you are referred by your GP your osteopathy fees may well be covered by your private health scheme or medical insurance – but do check with your insurer before booking a consultation.
Appointments are available from 8.15am to 6.30pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Early mornings and weekend consultations can also be arranged.
Fleet Osteopathic Clinic patients can also access a number of other fully qualified therapists available within the clinic:
Counselling and Psychotherapy
Massage and Reflexology
Acupuncture and Craniosacral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Chiropody and Podiatry
I have been coming to this clinic for the past two years and find Peter to be very reassuring and helpful in identifying and treating any problem areas I have. …
I have been attending Mr Leigh's clinic for some time now on a regular basis. On occasion I have been in a lot of pain but he has never failed …
I have been attending the Fleet Osteopathic Clinic for a number of years for the treatment of headaches and neck pain. Peter has a gentle and reassuring manner and I …
It's scarey when i think how long i have known and trusted Peter and loved his calm, gentle and professional manner. His expertise is evident and you never feel pushed …
Peter's years of experience come to the fore in his excellent diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Backs are complex things and they can be a real pain. With Peter, in my …
I have been coming to this clinic for the past two years and find Peter to be very reassuring and helpful in identifying and treating any problem areas I have. …
I have been attending Mr Leigh's clinic for some time now on a regular basis. On occasion I have been in a lot of pain but he has never failed …
The importance of Warming up and Cooling down
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