Lisa truly understands what I want to achieve from my marketing activities. She listens to my plans and ideas and knows exactly the right tone to use in the material …
Lisa spent a couple of hours with me and gave me a lot of really useful and practical advice; ideas on how to attract potential clients to my website and …
As a small business I struggle to find the time to spend on my marketing; Lisa came up with a 'shopping list' of different ideas which would get my sales …
Lisa was recommended to me as someone who could help me make sense of using Twitter and LinkedIn for my photography business. After an initial meeting to discuss what I …
Working with Lisa over the last couple of years on my monthly emailers has been great. We work to an editorial plan and Lisa researches and writes the copy ahead …
Lisa truly understands what I want to achieve from my marketing activities. She listens to my plans and ideas and knows exactly the right tone to use in the material …
Lisa spent a couple of hours with me and gave me a lot of really useful and practical advice; ideas on how to attract potential clients to my website and …
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