Pub Food Restaurants in Fleet and Farnborough

Find the best Pub Food Restaurants in Fleet and Farnborough as recommended by local Fleet and Farnborough people in thebestof Fleet and Farnborough's Pub Food Restaurants directory.
Spotlight Businesses in Fleet and Farnborough
The Barley Mow
The Barley Mow near Fleet is a highly recommended pub which offers home cooked food and great service. For cask marque real ales, hand-picked wines and a warm welcome every time, visit The Barley Mow pub near Fleet.
Matthew H said
I visited The Barley Mow twice at the beginning of June. The staff were welcoming, the service was excellent, the speciality gins were intriguing, the food was delicious and I thoroughly recommend it to anybody local or a weary traveller like me.
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The Barley Mow
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