Do you think that your child might have an attention or concentration problem?
12th November 2017
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Teachers are often the first ones to recognise or suspect that a child is struggling with paying attention and concentrating in class because the symptoms affect school performance or perhaps disrupt the rest of the class.

Since teachers work with many different children, they also come to know how students typically behave in class room situations requiring concentration and self-control.   This means that, they may speak to the parents about their concerns when they notice something outside the norm.

However teachers are not allowed to diagnose ADD or ADHD. They can tell you what they see in class, but you will need to get a professional involved to assess your child such as a Doctor, Paediatrician, Psychiatrist or Educational Psychologist).

ADHD has three core symptoms:

  1. Inattention
  2. Hyperactivity
  3. Impulsivity

All three of these core symptoms present in different ways throughout the lifespan of a person.

Inattention speaks to difficulty in paying attention and listening when spoken to, as well as being easily distracted and forgetful in daily activities, not following through on instructions and not finishing schoolwork.

Hyperactivity is most often seen in general fidgety behavior – not being able to sit still or sit in one place for an extended period of time. This might also present as rambunctious behavior in inappropriate situations. Hyperactive individuals have trouble sitting quietly or entertaining themselves, and always seem to be ‘on the go’ or often talks excessively. A kind of ‘inner restlessness’ might also be indicative of hyperactivity, with an inability to relax peacefully.


Impulsive behaviors might include blurting out answers before questions are completed, a lack of patience, often interrupting others and intruding on conversations. Impulsivity can also present as a fierce temper and engagement in risky activities.


There is no one test for ADD / ADHD. Instead, the ADD / ADHD diagnosis is based on (subjective) observations of a child's behaviour in multiple settings using questionnaires like the Connors Rating Scale. They will ask you and your child's teachers to rate their observations of your child's behaviour on standardised evaluation or rating scales.

Rating scales are only one component of a comprehensive assessment process, and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines recommend that the diagnosis should only be made after a full clinical and psycho-social evaluation, and never on the basis of rating scale data alone.

Recent studies have shown that the integration of a Continuous Performance Test like the FOCUS CPT TEST from Biolink provide important information in assessing the core variables in ADHD.

By integrating the FOCUS CPT TEST as part of the diagnosis a more objective measurement is included during the evaluation process.

If you are worried about some of the comments from your child's teacher about their ability to pay attention in class, contact Mandy Elliott, Biolink Attention Training UK Country Manager to discuss your concerns. You can book a FOCUS CPT test for your child and let us help you come up with a plan to help your child reach their potential.

Tests are normally £150 but as an introductory offer, on 25 November and 2 December they are available for just £80 but must be booked ahead of time. 

About the Author

Nick S

Member since: 4th January 2015

Nick is a local Fleet resident with interests in all things Fleet, good food, wine and travel. Oh and sport too...

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