Parking charges in Fleet being reviewed by Hart District Council.
21st December 2015
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Hart District Council are reviewing parking charges in Fleet with a proposal to change the cost of parking as follows:

  • Up to 30 mins: 20p
  • Up to 2hrs: £1.00
  • Up to 4hrs: £2.00
  • The 20p charge will also be introduced for evening parking.

This consultation is in response to requests from local business group Fleet Future and Fleet Town Council.

If agreeed these new charges will apply to all council owned car parks in Fleet, which include Church Road, Victoria Road, Branksomewood Road, Gurkha Square, Civic Offices and Harlington Way.  

Cllr Mike Morris, Cabinet Member for Town Regeneration and Parking at Hart District Council, said: “Parking management is key to the vitality of any high street and I'm pleased to introduce early in the New Year new car park charges which will no doubt encourage shoppers to visit the many Fleet Town retailers and stay longer. Hart’s parking management team work hard to ensure that our car parks and off street parking run safely and smoothly for the benefit of all visitors to Fleet Town and the district as a whole. Being a local team they know best how to serve local parking needs and they look forward to helping parking customers become familiar with the new simpler parking charges."

Cllr Steve Forster, Cabinet Member for Environment, said: "I'm really pleased we've got these agreed for the consultation, after previous delays. Fleet Town Council and Fleet Future supported these new simpler charges. It will be fairer for residents and visitors to the town, and is coupled with free 30 minute parking in Fleet Road."

Please complete the online form at by 15 January.

Following the consultation period the new charges may be implemented on 2 February 2016.

About the Author

Tracey S

Member since: 27th June 2014

I have over 20 year’s marketing experience working for companies including Hewlett Packard, Royal Mail, Hitachi and AQA. I live in Fleet and am the owner of thebestof Fleet helping small and medium companies...

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