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Local News and Updates
Changes to the way our vehicles are taxed
  • 17th September 2014
Do you know about the changes that are being introduced from 1 October? Read more
Eat Up, It's British Food Fortnight
  • 14th September 2014
After the coldest August for 21 years the prospect of winter being already on its way could be a cause for depression.... Read more
If your child is in Year 9 did you know GCSEs are changing?
  • 12th September 2014
GCSEs are changing and, if you've got a child in Year 9 they will be the first students to study the new-style GCSEs in English and Maths. Read more
Introducing Andy Roberts BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
  • 2nd September 2014
There are many novel ways to get fit and lose weight these days – boxercise, zumba, pilates, yoga etc.... Read more
National Payroll Week
  • 25th August 2014
National Payroll Week recognises the contribution that payroll makes to the UK economy, after all a massive £152bn is collected through income tax and £102bn through National Insurance via company payrolls every year. Read more
Claim Compensation from Late Payers
  • 12th August 2014
The Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 is a very useful piece of legislation for small businesses who cannot afford to offer long periods of credit to its customers and clients.... Read more
10 Ways to Brighten a Room Without Redecorating
  • 12th August 2014
How nice to wake up to sunlight pouring into the house on an early-summer morning, especially after a long winter.... Read more
Why we love books
  • 7th August 2014
Why not pop into Fleet, buy a book and support local businesses? Read more
Fighting Back Against Carpet Stains
  • 7th August 2014
Tipsy friends with glasses of red wine.... Read more
HMRC Puts Pressure on Landlords
  • 5th August 2014
In an effort to clamp down on tax avoidance, HMRC are in the process of sending letters to 40,000 landlords asking them to get in touch to discuss their affairs. Read more
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