Cheriton Baptist Church
Cheriton Baptist Church
  • Quested Road, Folkestone, Kent
We are a group of around 100 Christians living and working in Folkestone and Capel. Our church meets on two sites: Hill Road, Folkestone and Capel Street, Capel-le-Ferne.\rWe are a friendly, family-oriented church of mixed ages and backgrounds. What we have in common is that we love Jesus and are seeking to work out our beliefs in practical ways.\rIf you're a Christian seeking a fellowship to be part of or are just interested in finding out more about Christian faith then you'd be most welcome on Sundays. (see service times on the website). Or feel free to contact us.\rMinisters: Revs Chris & Katy Ruddle\rFacebook Page: Folkestone Baptist Church\r\rIncluding:\r2Play Youth Club\rLittle Acorns Pre-School\rEFEP Community Development Work\r\r
Social Interaction