Business Card Advice from ColourSells
29th October 2010
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ColourSells PrintingTalk to me

 Business Cards :: Postcards :: Flyers :: Letterheads :: Booklets ::

Colour Business Cards, Postcards & Flyers.

Need any? Sure you do! Everybody in business needs an attractive Business Card to create interest, and everyone benefits from publicizing their products or services by the use of cards and flyers.

Where to buy? How much to pay?

First one's easy - look in Yellow Pages or similar directory and choose from a few dozen printers. Make sure you find a printer that will answer your questions, take time to explain exactly what you will get for your money, and what he will need from you in the way of artwork. If you haven't got your own artwork, find out how much he will charge to create it. IMPORTANT - make sure if you are paying for the artwork, that he will supply you that art - either electronically or on disc at no extra charge. Make sure he is talking in your language - not trying to baffle you with printing and technical jargon. Make sure you know whether your cards are going to be printed on conventional offset presses, or are to produced on digital presses (basically big colour copiers).

Alternatively, ask your colleagues for recommendations - word of mouth is still the safest route to go.

Second one's not so easy. I recently had a quick look on the internet for the price of 1000 Full colour Business cards, printed on a good quality stock.  Prices ranged from 'Free' to £169. Ignoring the "free' ones, the price range was about £35 to £169. From what I could tell, the cards were of similar quality. So why the price variation?  Printers are like any other trade or profession - and it's often horses for courses.

Let's compare for a moment with the food industry. Every five star hotel, with numerous front of house staff and brigades of chefs could provide you with a cheese sandwich if you asked for one. However, many people would choose to go to the local sandwich shop to save an significant amount of money.  It's the same sort of scenario with printing. Many printers are set up to run large projects, and only produce Business Cards as a service to their clients. Other printers have equipment that is out-dated and inefficient, and are not taking advantage of modern technology.

So, the choice is yours. Just be aware that you can pay way, way too much if you don't do your homework. Now look, I'm not encouraging anybody to go round looking to save coppers, or to deal with the lowest cost supplier - just to make comparisons. Make sure you see samples before you proceed.

My website will tell you more of what I do.

Michael Goody
01989 567255

ColourSells Printing

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