26th January 2012
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SUPERSTORE wars in Cinderford have taken a fresh twist as planning chiefs were told to reject Sainsbury's bid.

The food giant is battling with Asda to build supermarkets at different sites in the town, and is set to slug it out at a one-off planning meeting on Tuesday.

Officers at Forest of Dean District Council have advised councillors, who will have the ultimate say, to opt for Asda.

They said Sainsbury's bid, to redevelop the Rothdean site in Station Street, does not meet the community's housing needs despite including a residential development in the scheme.

Asda also want to build a store, off Steam Mills Road. That looks set to be given the green light, on the condition that legal arrangements can be agreed tying the development into cash contributions for the town's wider regeneration.

Caroline Vickerstaff, regional development surveyor at Sainsbury's, said: "We are extremely disappointed and surprised at the officer's recommendation, not least because our proposal has received the support of both Cinderford Town Council and Cinderford Regeneration Board.

"More than 130 letters of support have to date been received by the district council and over 96 per cent of people who attended our information day were in favour of the proposals.

"We firmly believe in both planning and practical terms that Station Street is the right choice for Cinderford."

She added: "Sainsbury's rejected being part of the Steam Mills Road development because it is further away from the town centre and would not encourage trips to it, trips that are essential to the ongoing vitality of Cinderford's town centre.

"Our proposal also helps secure the future of Rothdean in Cinderford while creating further significant job opportunities for local people."

A spokesman said it was too early to comment on whether or not they would launch an appeal, if councillors follow the recommendation for refusal.

Commercial vehicles supplier Rothdean, currently based at the Station Street site, would have moved to a new base as part of the Sainsbury's plan.

The company did not return The Citizen's calls.

Asda's proposals have been drawn up by developers Trilogy.

Managing director Patrick Stones said: "We are pleased that the council officers have recommended our scheme for approval and share our view that our scheme is the right one to help kick start the regeneration of Cinderford and Steam Mills."

About the Author

Martin F

Member since: 10th July 2012

I have recently purchased the best of the Forest of Dean and Chepstow from the previous owners Paul and Sharon James. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible over the coming months and assure...

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