Music by English composers for violin and piano
Gustav Holst: Invocation; Song of the Night; Lyric Movement
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor: Violin Sonata
William Hurlstone: Four English Sketches
Leora Cohen, violin
Adrian Partington, piano
Tickets at the door,£10 (cash or card). No advance sales.
Sponsored by the Holst Society
This is followed by Choral Evensong in Gloucester Cathedral at 4:30pm
Responses: Paul Spicer
Psalm 60: Kendrick Partington
Magnificat: Ruth Gipps
Nunc dimittis: Gustav Holst
Anthem, Short Festival Te Deum: Gustav Holst
Hymn: ‘From glory to glory’ (Tune: Sheen, Gustav Holst)
Admission free. Retiring collection
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