Demand for Green Bins Exceeds Expectations
22nd August 2009
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Well done to  Grantham. We are becoming more environmentally aware. We have been asked by SKDC to be patient whilst we wait for green bins.

Demand for green recycling bins is apparently soaring in South Kesteven, where households are helping to send around 900 tonnes of green waste for composting every month.

South Kesteven District Council has had to introduce a waiting list for green bins and is placing urgent orders for new supplies to meet demand in the district.
Coun. John Smith, SKDC’s portfolio holder for healthy environment, said: "There has been a tremendous response to the green waste scheme, for which we thank the residents of South Kesteven.  Take-up of the scheme has exceeded even our high expectations and as a result we are now running out of bins

“Our residents have shown how important recycling is to them and while this temporary shortage of bins is frustrating, it also shows the tremendous efforts of everyone who is involved in recycling in South Kesteven, who are evidently keen on doing their bit for the future of our environment".

Green-fingered residents are clearly giving green bins the thumbs up then!

About the Author

Lou H

Member since: 9th July 2012

Hi there, welcome to my blog site. I will try to bring you up to date with whats going on out there in Grantham and surrounding areas.

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