Snow and Sunshine
7th February 2009
... Comments

It's been an unusual start to the year - Grantham wasn't quite a ghost town this week but it was low key.

Started the school term off by going to Paninis on Wesgate with some friends. We all needed a good shot of caffeine to get us up and running with the frenetic early starts. Alistair as usual was a great host. has been offering training courses to help businesses beat the recession. A few of my clients are going to Solihull to get a steer on 2009 and do some invaluable networking! Nigel Botterill is a self-made millionaire who is very charismatic and motivated so I'm sure the sessions will be great fun.

Met the design agency Kimeera this week. Eddie in his wellies, me in my Parka - it was an interesting meeting. If you haven't visited Kimeera's website yet you should - there is a great U Tube of Eddie and co break dancing.

Welcome to new bestofgrantham members - Avalon (top of the range lighting) more about them later, Fovia - office equipment, furniture, printers, facilities managment and Phoenix Fabrics on the High Street in Grantham

Enjoy a weekend of snowmen and snowballs whilst it lasts!

About the Author

Lou H

Member since: 9th July 2012

Hi there, welcome to my blog site. I will try to bring you up to date with whats going on out there in Grantham and surrounding areas.

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