Vicky Hilton
Phruit in Newark are having lots of fun raising money for this fantastic cause! We have many people dressed up in red, and various fancy dress outfits ranging from Scooby Doo to Andy Pandy!
Ambitions Personnel - This year, our industry body, the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) have pledged to raise money for Comic Relief by asking it’s members to send in a ‘Red Nose Pose’!
Ambitions Personnel will be pledging their support by sending a picture of our team in red noses accompanied by a donation to this valuable cause
T.K. Maxx - Exclusive retailer of the Red Nose Day T-Shirt
If you are doing something funny for money we would love to know. It's a day like no other when the whole country gets together to do something funny for money and change countless lives in the process.
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