Nursery Schools in Guernsey

Find the best Nursery Schools in Guernsey as recommended by local Guernsey people in thebestof Guernsey's Nursery Schools directory.
Nursery Schools in Guernsey
Little Rays of Sunshine
Sunshine Nursery and Preschool Ltd - for first class qualified childcare in Guernsey. Providing a happy, secure and safe nursery school for children to develop.
Natalie L said
The nursery is so friendly. The staff go above and beyond to help our children to have fun, be happy and learn. My children have come along so much whilst being here. I would recommend it to everyone.
Little Learners Day Nursery
If you need a nursery school in Guernsey then look no further than Little Learner's Day Nursery, where your child can develop their social skills, creativity and coordination in a friendly, safe and colourful environment.
James G said
My grandsons here, loves it, great staff and good value.
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