Guernsey Buses
Guernsey Buses
  • CT Plus Guernsey Limited,
    Les Banques,
    St Peter Port,
    GY1 2HZ


The bus service is operated by CT Plus on behalf of the Environment Department. Bus services operate daily and will take you almost anywhere on the Island. The network of bus routes provides a high frequency of services to the Island’s main shopping centres, workplaces, beaches and visitor attractions.


You can board the buses at any of the bus stops around the Island. These are either painted on the road or indicated by bus stop signs on poles. As many bus stops are serviced by several bus routes, passengers are advised to wave down the correct bus when it approaches.

Alternatively, you can ‘hail’ a bus and, provided it is safe, the driver will stop to pick you up. Please note, this ‘hail and ride’ approach does not operate in the Town, St. Peter Port, Bridge, St. Sampsons area or at Guernsey Airport (at the airport the designated stop must be used for security reasons)

You can find details of our routes , times and journey planning tools here.


If your journey cannot be completed using one bus route and you need to change routes to complete your journey, you do not need to pay twice. Exchange your bus ticket (to use the next available onward service that day) and the driver will then issue transfer ticket valid for onward travel.

Please note that this transfer bus ticket cannot be used for return journeys and cannot be used when re-boarding a bus if it had been possible to complete your journey on the original route.


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