Teen Megabytes
  • Guille-Alles Library
    GY1 1HB
A safe, inclusive, chilled out space for neuro-diverse teens aged 13-17 to just hang out.

Teen Megabytes - the second Thursday of every month, 18:30-20:00 in the Rowswell Room on the second floor of the Library.

A safe, inclusive, chilled out space for neuro-diverse teens aged 13-17 to just hang out. Bring snacks and whatever activity you like to do, from reading and gaming, to drawing and crafting.

There are no organised activities during the session and there’s no pressure to interact with others if you don’t wish to. Fidget toys and cushions will be provided and the lighting will be dimmed.

The Dorey Room opposite will be available for parents & carers to chat and have a cup of tea.

It's free and there's no need to book. Get in touch if you would like more information or would like a photo social story of the Library and rooms where Magabytes is held. Email ga@library.gg


Future dates
  • Thursday 14th November 6:30pm until 8:00pm
  • Thursday 12th December 6:30pm until 8:00pm
Social Interaction
* thebestof cannot be held responsible for any changes, amends or cancellations of an event