The marquee and outdoor displays include Guernsey cattle, goats and agricultural produce, as well as amateur entrants to the fur and feather classes, cut flowers, fruit and vegetables, flower arranging, cakes and baking, and the craft classes such as wood or metal working, embroidery and photography.
The arena will have the usual displays of local talent in addition to off-island entertainment. In the evening the beer tent hosts live music. On both days the show also includes a fun fair, and numerous stall-holders providing refreshments and other items for sale throughout the two days.
There will also be Crown and Anchor, Fun Dog Show, Stunt Team, a large variety of food and trade stands & grand auction of produce.
The Battle of Flowers is held on the afternoon of the second day at 2.30pm and the floats also take part in an illuminated parade in the evening, culminating in a firework display.
To Exhibit
North Show entries are open to those living in Castel, St Sampson and the Vale (North Show). For further details email or phone 01481 246443 for Fur & Feather or phone 07781 106332 for other entries.
For further information please check the official website for the North Show at
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