8 reasons why blogging is important for your business
25th June 2012
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1. A blog can increase traffic to your site 

Put the keywords that describe what your business does into your blog. This will increase your business' chances of appearing top of the list when someone puts those words into a search engine and, as we all know, that increases hits and hits increase your business. 

2. You can give a lot more detail about what you do

A Tweet is 140 characters. A Facebook update disappears behind "see more" after only a few more. A blog, however, can say as much as you need it to and put meat on the bones of your brand.

3. Writing your blog can help you get your thoughts in order. 

When we start writing about what our businesses do, we sometimes find they do a lot more than we thought! Seeing it all written down can highlight opportunities and threats we might have overlooked. For example, is there something small that could be increased to give you the edge? Or is your massive remit stretching you too thinly? 

5. Encourage comments and you might get some great business ideas too! 

Let people know that you're interested in their thoughts and comments on your blog. A comment might give you a totally new idea and any informed critical feedback could be very constructive. Through the comments and replies, you can build a relationship with potential clients, getting them to engage with you...and therefore a lot more likely to use your products and services. 

6. A blog can make your message easy to share via social media

With buttons for instantly posting your blog to Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest etc you can easily share your company's latest developments. Likewise, people who find your blog useful can easily share it with all their followers.  

7. A blog can be simply informative rather than an off-putting hard sell

A lot of people are put off by a sales talk and sound bites (I know I am!). But a blog can show potential customers just what your company does then leave them to make up their own minds. With the pressure off they may well decide that yours is the company they want to work with. 

8. This is free advertising!

It is (usually) free to set up a blog. You can create the page and write the content yourself, advertise yourself and your company to anyone who chances upon your blog. 

Happy blogging! 


About the Author

Charlotte B

Member since: 9th July 2012

Former public sector EA and PA, now a mother of three and a copywriter. I create blogs and features for the Best of Guildford but write for other people as well, producing web pages and press releases,...

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