Dog Grooming in Guildford - does your dog stink ?
30th March 2011
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Does your dog stink !?
Most dogs do ... WHY?  
…..because most owners don't bother washing and cleaning them on a regular basis. 

I'm not suggesting every week, but at the very least twice a year is a good idea, not only does it stop your pooch from ponging but is also helps keep him or her healthy and free from disease caused by parasites such as ticks, fleas and lice.

The very aptly named Temple of Groom is a specialist dog grooming service run by Sarah Cox. Sarah is passionate about dogs and is herself a dog owner - she can provide a whole range of services to leave your much loved friend looking perfect and in tip top condition after just an hour or so.

Currently Temple of Groom are offering a generous 20% discount for all new customers – click here if you’d like to take advantage of this offer or … visit Temple of Groom on the best of Guildford.


About the Author

Sally Castro

Member since: 28th May 2012

56, married, 3 children - passionate about all things local! Owner of the bestofguildford site, keen supporter of Guildford Rugby Club... serial networker

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