FREE WI-FI in Guildford Pubs and hotels - thumbs up to the Mandolay Hotel and Cricketers Pub
29th December 2010
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In this age in which the internet has become the way we all communicate - I get fed up to find most hotels and bars, continuing to charge money for their guests and visitors to log in to their WI-FI connection - WHY?

It's not the amount, it's the principle of being denied access to something we all now use and which costs them nothing to make available because they all have to have it anyway!

Five years ago when email and web browsing 'on the go' and .....before the significant emergence of 'Cloud technology' it was acceptable perhaps to charge £1 or so for 30 minutes on the Internet but nowadays - what is the justification? Just like providing public toilets, at the very least we should expect a free connection!

In fact, by insisting to charge, these venues are simply annoying and alienating their customer base and showing a complete lack of 'customer focused' thinking.

Two hotels I have recently visited, the Holiday Inn and the Ramada, both in Guildford each levy a small charge to hook up with their WI-FI - surely the cost of admin alone outweighs the tiny fee they charge and more importantly, the 'bad will' created far out-weighs the charge altogether - I know that it really annoys me and rather than begrudgingly pay, I leave annoyed and simply vow never to use that venue for meetings. Sometimes I simply wish to check my email for 5 minutes, I am already paying for food/coffee etc. - why should I be charged £1 for something that should be provided as part of the facilities?

How nice it is to find somewhere that provides free WI-FI for anyone who wants to use it - this is obviously becoming a trend and the sooner that places such as the Holiday Inn and the Ramada realise this the quicker they will increase their customer base and make more money !!

Well done The Cricketers in Farncombe - if you fancy a nice pint and some decent pub food why not pay them a visit and be sure to mention that you are there because you appreciate the idea of free WI-FI!

Guildford's finest independent Hotel, The Mandolay also offers complimentary WI-FI - so.....  if you are looking to book a meeting room or simply meet for a coffee - visit the Mandolay!

Within a year or two, WI-FI will be free everywhere - the venues that start now will be recognised as forward thinking and in touch with their market - until that time, I will make a point of avoiding those venues that insist on charging in favour of those that don't and there are already quite a few in Guildford and growing!


About the Author

Sally Castro

Member since: 28th May 2012

56, married, 3 children - passionate about all things local! Owner of the bestofguildford site, keen supporter of Guildford Rugby Club... serial networker

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