Langton Care - Care Home or Home Care?
1st October 2014
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Great Auntie Muriel went through two world wars, raised 5 kids, ran the family business and broke her hip. She'll be ready to come out of hospital soon but the family is worried how she will cope by herself. Her husband has been gone for 20 years but she enjoyed a busy social calendar prior to her fall. Fiercely independent, she is determined to stay in her own home. However, this accident was life-changing and has shaken her confidence. The family feel she would be safer in a care home but understand her reluctance to leave behind all that has been familiar to her for so many years. It's a common dilemma in these situations and families are often unaware of what could be the perfect solution - a live-in carer. It's cheaper than full time residence at a good care home here in the Home Counties and has all the entitlements. Their next question is usually "where do we start?".

Langton Care can help rebuild lives and get your loved one back into 'the land of the living' in their own home. Their complete service takes care of all the necessary preparation for a return to home and ensures that all the needs and requirements are taken care of under the supervision of Debbie.

They begin by working with local services to prepare the home to make sure everything is safe and ready. They arrange everything because after years of experience in the care and nursing profession they know who to call.

Simultaneously, they will already carefully matching up the right live-in carer who will be there to receive Great Auntie Muriel when she gets home. The fridge is full, the kettle's on, and she can rest assured she is safe and well looked after. So can the family. Carers are experienced, trained and certified and have the full back up and support from Debbie. A daily assessment is recorded and any changes in condition are reported daily.

Langton Care takes care of the details - ie. if you need a Blue Disabled Badge they will fill out the forms and get it sorted for you. They will make sure you are getting all your benefits, allowances and entitlements.

When the time comes to start up a social life again its not so easy sometimes. But your Langton Carer can take you to the hairdresser, shopping, golfing, drive you to doctors appointments, etc

Its difficult to accept a stranger in your home and perhaps you require someone who is unobtrusive. Carers usually work 4 weeks on and 2 weeks off. They have a private room so they are quietly there when you need them but unobtrusive when you want some privacy and alone-time. They come and go as needed. Your back up carer is chosen at the same time and you will have the same carer for that period of time. With everything fully documented they will already know your routine and personal preferences. 

And rest assured, every effort is made to match personalities for the best rapport. For example, a soft spoken person would find someone of the same level reassuring and calming, a person with a fiesty character may respond better to a stronger more capable personality. 

Langton Care will also take into consideration a client's personal beliefs, hobbies, quirks, and also somone who speaks the language! 

And by the way, did I mention Great Auntie Muriel has an elderly dog?  The carer even called the dog walker to come and take her out!

Langton Care will provide care for anyone in any situation, however, in this particular report their message is:

"The last years can be the best years - with help from Langton Care" 






About the Author

Susie P

Member since: 10th September 2014

Hi, I'm Susie and I am part of the Best of Guildford team! My role here is to look after all our valued members and support them in promoting and building their local businesses through blogs, posts and...

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