Why your Guildford business needs a video
30th September 2012
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Put almost anything into Google and youtube will top your search. Why? Because more and more peole at looking at videos of products and services: how they work, what exactly do you get? Even books - surely the antithesis of video! - are being promoted with videos. 

Why are videos such great marketing tools? Lots of reasons! A video engages potential customers in quite a different way from a page of text, which, let's face it, can be a bit overwhelming. More than two hundred words long and people won't read it. But you, talking to camera about your product, are a lot more likely to get people on board: instead of just telling people, you can show people; share your enthusiasm, introduce yourself and put a face to the product.  

Break a leg!

About the Author

Charlotte B

Member since: 9th July 2012

Former public sector EA and PA, now a mother of three and a copywriter. I create blogs and features for the Best of Guildford but write for other people as well, producing web pages and press releases,...

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