Havenpoint Ltd.
  • 53 - 55 Oldhill Street

    N16 6LU
Havenpoint Ltd is a Hackney based charitable organisation registered in England and Wales.

Havenpoint is a registered charitable organisation based in Hackney  that  administers and monitors donations received both from Companies and Individuals in Hackney and throughout the world. Donors look for increasing accountability from the charitable organisations they support and they like to see their donations put to good use and not squandered on high executive style lifestyles for the directors of the charity accounts.  

My Grandfather before he died  gave me a list of 227 charitable organisations he had donated to throughout his life and begged me to continue his charitable legacy. I checked out his whole list and was shocked to find most of these were lies. Instead of finding orphan homes I found people with big houses and fancy cars. It was then when Havenpoint was founded with the sole purpose of helping well meaning people donate to charitable causes with the knowledge that their hard earned money will indeed reach those in need.

Havenpoint    advises Hackney donors    on the most tax efficient methods of charitable giving. The Inland Revenue has audited and approved all our methods. Please take a few minutes to check out our website for more details     http://www.havenpoint.co.uk/ 


We welcome visitors to our local Hackney offices for an informal chat and a full explanation of our activities  at

53 - 55 Oldhill Street

Hackney, London N16 6LU

020 8802 0770

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